Bad faith registration of another’s trademark in a domain name.
A class of top-level domains that are used for general purposes, where ICANN has a strong role in coordination.
Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP)
A mandatory, low-cost administrative procedure primarily to resolve claims of abusive or bad faith domain name registration.
De Leon IP Law Firm Philippines offers various domain name services.
Domain Name Registration, Protection, and Maintenance
The ease and low cost involved in registering domain names have resulted in the rampant proliferation of cybersquatting (a.k.a. domain theft or domain hijacking). Thus, there is a need to secure your domain name to protect and preserve your intellectual property rights online from misappropriation and bad faith use.
A domain name will help strengthen the value of your brand. Our firm will help you select, acquire, manage, and maintain the proper domain name for your brand and products, as well as provide domain name advice and strategies.
Domain Name Recovery and Cancellation![]()
Domain name recovery is essential in protecting your trademark as it prevents others from profiting from the fraudulent use of your mark in their domain names. We can assist you in having domain names that are identical or confusingly similar to your trademark canceled or transferred to you through the UDRP in a speedy and cost-efficient manner.